Low-cost Places to Celebrate the Holidays!

Dec 15, 2022

Here are 8 low-cost places to spend a memorable time with family & friends:

Christmas in the park: https://www.christmasinthepark.com

Christmas in the Park is a winter event that takes place each year in downtown San Jose, California, roughly from the last week of November to January 1. The fantastic light show costs $30 per car. 

Holiday ice rink: https://unionsquareicerink.com

The Safeway Holiday Ice Rink in Union Square in San Francisco presented by Kaiser Permanente is a great place to skate with family & friends. General Admission is $20 & children under the age of 8 are $15. 

Holiday Drive-In movies: https://alamedacountyfair.com/alameda-county-fairgrounds-events-calendar/

“Drive-In Movies return for four nights only! Each night enjoy a little holiday spirit with letters to Santa and carolers for the first two shows and New Year’s Resolution Trees for the last two shows.”

Parking Gates open at 4:30 pm. The movie begins at 6 pm.

Each parking space is per car, not per person. 

Illuminate SF: https://www.illuminatesf.com/

During the holiday season, Illuminate SF’s Festival of Lights illuminates the city with epic outdoor installations.

Dec 31st by 6:00pm 

430 Natoma St, San Francisco, CA

Enchant Christmas San Jose:  https://enchantchristmas.com/san-jose-ca-paypal-park/?gclid=Cj0KCQiA4uCcBhDdARIsAH5jyUlDdMYdmW69iRGlBZVKRf8nKdN-cdf2d2dQbrcZ0o9UqC3lDexOpH0aAqA-EALw_wcB

Have the time of your life ice skating in this magical location. Tickets cost $20 for adults and $15 for kids. Although ice skates are offered free of charge, you are welcome to bring your own.

Santa Visit: https://www.alamedaca.gov/Departments/Recreation-Parks/Santa-Visits-Alameda-Homes

Santa will be visiting Alameda homes this year.  Register at: www.alamedaca.gov/recreation. The cost is $41 per family for a 10-minute meeting. 

A Merry-Achi Christmas: https://www.sfsymphony.org/Buy-Tickets/2022-23/Merry-Achi-Christmas?utm_source=funcheap&utm_medium=calendar_listing&utm_campaign=2223season.

“Experience a multicultural celebration as the ensemble sings and plays holiday favorites from both Mexico and America in a vibrant performance you won’t want to miss.” 

This Christmas watch spectacular performances at this event. This event is on Sat, Dec 24, 3:30 – 6:30 AM at Davies Symphony Hall, Van Ness Avenue, San Francisco, CA

Brentwood on Ice: https://brentwoodonice.com/

Come ice skating this holiday season with friends and family to make unforgettable memories!