covid chats
COVID Chats is a site supported by Alameda County Health Care Services Agency.
Our hope is to inform young people, like ourselves, about COVID-19 and encourage them to take action towards making themselves and our communities healthier.
In partnership with the following organizations

featured content
What does the COVID-19 Vaccine Do?
Tik Toks by Cheryl Ward Ministries
Cheryl Ward Ministries has created Tik Tok videos around various topics. Check them out!
Learn the Facts About COVID-19

Photographed by Quentin Torres.

covid chats PODCAST
Check out our podcast!
The interns in the Youth COVID Communications team have put together a podcast to share their opinion on a few public health topics. Listen to what our youth interns have to say!
All thoughts and opinion are of REACH members; not public health officials.
Episode 1 : Mental Health in the Pandemic

INterested in Submitting to our site?
If you are a youth (ages 11-25) or find youth content and think it belongs here, SUBMIT IT TO US!
Any content submitted must be created by youth (11-25) or chosen by youth.
Content must have accurate information. The source retrieved from must be reliable. Websites that end in: .gov, .org, .edu highly suggested. Must contain the latest news.
Provide credit for any information obtained. Name the source by providing a name, if available, or a link to where you found the information/ content.
Content should be interesting/ exciting/ engaging. Content should also be diverse; representing a range of people and perspectives.
Content created should use language, images, music, etc. that appeal to our audience (youth).
No cuss words or negativity aimed content will be allowed.